Sofia, as a member of the Organization of the European Network of Cities EUROCITIES, applied for a best practice assessment and the hosting of a working visit in the cultural field, with the Fund for Innovations in Culture, created for the first time in Bulgaria.
Forty-five European cities applied with various practices in the sphere of:
- cultural heritage as a driver of economic growth and social inclusion;
- cultural and creative industries - as a motor for urban regeneration and economic vitality;
- Culture as social inclusion, social innovation and intercultural dialogue.
The Fund for Innovations in Culture was established by Sofia Municipality and Sofia Development Association; it is recognized by the European Commission as a best practice and Sofia will be among the 15 cities approved by the Commission to host a working visit of international experts in 2016 to showcase the work of the Fund.
The Fund for Innovations in Culture is the first public-private funding instrument for culture in Bulgaria. It was founded in 2014 and has funded over 30 projects of non-governmental organizations and artists.